Riz à la provençale

Publié le 9 Décembre 2014

Riz à la provençale

Does it make it more authentic by keeping the french name? Maybe... Eat it and let me know!

For 2 people:

  • 2 mugs of rice (I used brown rice)
  • 1 zucchini
  • Salt, pepper, "herbes de provence" (thyme, oregano...)
  • 4tbsp olive oil
Cook the rice with the zucchini cutted in small pieces (40min for the brown rice so I added the zucchini at the middle of the cook time). Drain and add the salt, pepper, herbs and olive oil, you can add raw tomato in small pieces to add some colors!

The vegetables on the picture will have their own recipe next time!

Rédigé par Veggie Queen

Publié dans #vegan, #easy

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