Leek Pie

Publié le 2 Décembre 2014

Leek Pie
Leek Pie

I try as much as possible to eat seasonal vegetables but I wanted to change from my traditional potato leek soup so I decided to cook leek in a pie!

For 1 pie:

  • Tart dough
  • 3 leeks
  • 1 onion
  • soy/rice cream
  • nutritional yeast or veggie cheese
  • salt, pepper, herbs
Cut the extremities of the leeks and peel the onion. Cut your vegetables in small parts and cook in a pan with 1tbsp of vegetable oil for 15min until it's a little bit caramelized. Add the soy/rice cream, salt, pepper and herbs if you want. Put the mixture in the dough (previously placed in a tart pan) and sprinkle nutritional yeast or veggie cheese. Bake in the oven for 15min until the dough is bake and the top is roasted at 180°C/350°F.

Perfect with a salad!

Rédigé par Veggie Queen

Publié dans #Pies, #vegan, #easy, #Vegetables

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